Saturday, May 19, 2012

what a day!

Beginning - wasn't much. Kind of lazy actually. Logan was working out while I cleaned up.

Brent took a nap with his skate board.

But the dog walk. Oh my goodness.

 This little snake cause me  and Logan to tumble (cause our dogs are SO nosy) and get scraped up a bit. :(
Then we met Pooch!

We started the ad for his lost little self as soon as I woke up this morning. Hope it's not too late.

And we found the biggest dandelion EVER.

Okay - it's not one. But I don't know what it is - so if I ever get any readers on this blog - please clue us in :)

All in all the day was pretty awesome. Even tho little one and I got scratched up. Things happen you know?

We made Big Fat Coconut Cake by Chocolate covered Katie. I immediately had to share half of it with the neighbors, and save rest for our grandpa. Lest I want to get on becoming the poster Pillsbury dough-girl...
I overcooked it just a bit - but it still smelled/tasted grand.

Heheh. Come to think about my readers - I bet one of our uncles won't even look at this thing. Got snakes and stuff. Eeek. Lol. (dear sons - that would be uncle L, yes, L - I'm selling you out :P)

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