Sunday, August 19, 2012

Holy smokes Batman!

This day was rather annoying.
But in the same hand it was lovely.

We took the bus to church. The preacher spoke of how "stories that we're told to as children" make us who we are, versus the actual rules that are drilled into us.

I think it's true. In my case there were a lot of stories. In Brent's there are really not that many. Daddy and I weren't much of story tellers - but I chose to change that.

We later went to grandpa's (he picked us up) and looked for cars. Unsuccessfully I might add. All good cars that were available - went quick. The rest were crud.

Daddy went with grandpa to look for them and we went to the bus station to go home. Somehow Brent was an absolute doll and gave me no pain = we also met some mormons on the way - they walked us partway, and also helped us in the right direction at some point. I was distracted and not thinking clearly.
And we missed the first bus.

Ended up waiting for little over an hour for the next one. Ah well. Mommy got a bit sunburn trying to make sure the kids had shade - but no worries.

After we got to our home vicinity - I bought Brent an ice cream cone from McD's. Although we both prefer ones from rite aid or whatever that medicine shop down the street.
I got myself a coffee. Blended. Extra sugar.

I lost track of HOW INCREDIBLY important it is not to have silly old sugar in our lives.

personally am paying for it now - cavities abound and extra 15lbs that I do NOT need.

oh well - easily remedied.

Also we went swimming afterwords. Our neighbor and her daughter Macy came along - so we talked about non-sense stuff for a bit. I don't particularly mind - however I do love playing with the kids and Macy is a blast to be around.

oh well - got to run.


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