Sunday, August 26, 2012

Teaching young one how to swim

You guys should see yourselves.

Brent treads waters carelessly in his life vest, this being the only sport available to him that does not require skill before trying tricks and jump.

Logan being careless little puppy in general, doesn't care if he doesn't have a life jacket. What is life or jacket anyways? He simply dives in headlong like a pro and wiggles his whole body to move himself along.

It's so fascinating - that I think I'm going to make a video of it tonight. :)

Our basic first lesson is supposed to be to relieve the child of fear of water (Logan's wondering what's "fear") - and dunk him on count of three (very briefly) to ensure that he remembers to hold his breath.

He took to this lesson in the very first days of his swimming - about couple days after he was born.

Heat did stress him out a little more back then - but since he's grown a nice big belly and a chunky layer of fat all over - making himself look a poster boy for #pillsbury. All pleasant baby rolls.

you kids are That awesome.

On another note - Brent easily treads 1 mile now. Very awesome - incapacitating our stroller was awesome!
We take everyone to sunset - and a lovely hike it is. Thank God most of the rattlers stay unmolested in whatever parts of the land they choose to - that to say none in our or our dogs' paths.

And our dogs finally got a bath. Now they are less stinky. (:

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