Monday, August 27, 2012

Motherly rant.

Baby center has sent another email sharing its wisdom on raising happy and well adjusted baby (age 7 months and 3 weeks)

Separate. It's actually good for your baby's development to leave him in someone else's care periodically. This gives him a chance to cope with being away from you. If you don't use regular childcare, ask a friend or relative to take care of your baby for short periods so he can get used to your being away.


I really am glad that I don't follow ALL advice given.
Can you kids imagine me leaving you for even a minute with someone other than me? Well Brent - sure he'll go anywhere anytime, but he is in fact Brent - the - menace, never caught off guard, never has a shadow of the doubt that short of spanking, everything is OK!

Logan would seriously raise the roof though. So  I laugh. Brent at Logan's current age would have raised the roof as well. As a matter of fact - he did. 
One day when he was about 7 months old or so, grandma took daddy and me on a rafting trip with young uncles. Grandpa stayed due to having work and school to do at home and offered to watch the baby.

I never seen the man so frustrated. 

I hardly let anyone even hold my kids, except if the kids themselves want to and only for short periods of time. In our family's experience - that alone raises some of the most strong willed, independent and smart children ever.

Namely Brent.


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