Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Beef burritos with radish salsa

And here's the recipe for the burritos:

Cheapest stew meat available
Cube of beef base
Oil - 2 tbs
White beans, cooked
Rice of your choice


Mince the meat into smallest pieces you can without grinding the stuff. Layer it in a thin layer in some big bowl, then layer the spices - all of which "should" be ground up - but whatever. Mine are pretty old or stale or something they don't impart too much flavor - however i layered a good dose of sage and salt. With rest of spices I was not so liberal.
Then heat 2 tbsp of oil in a pan, toss the  meat into it on high, fry the darn stuff til it's nice and cooked, splash it with sake and throw in beef base, cover and stew it on low heat for an hour or two.
When done, heat up your tortilla, put the meat on it with rice and beans, sour cream and radish salsa (cilantro, radish, liberally salt and lime, whirr the stuff in your food processor, voilĂ ) and boom - you got awesome burritos.

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